West Hawaii Island Gyrotonic West Hawaii Island Gyrotonic West Hawaii Island Gyrotonic West Hawaii Island Gyrotonic

What is the best way for me to get started at the  studio?
We recommend our 'Intro' Special to everyone. The 'Intro'  Special gives you three private sessions in either Gyrotonic,  or  Gyrokinesis for a reduced fee. You can try one private in each type of  movement we offer or take three privates in just one of our offered  disciplines. It's entirely up to you. This also gives you the opportunity to  get to know a few different teachers on our talented staff. The Intro special  is also a Pre-requisite for some of our more advanced Group Classes.             
            What  is  The GYROTONIC EXPANSION SYSTEM®?
GYROTONIC is a  three-dimensional  circular system that strengthens the body's core  muscles from the inside out.  “Gyro” is “Circular” and “Tonic” is a “  healthy tonic for your body”. There is  focus on moving from a strong  connection to the body's energy centers and then trying to 'free' the body.  GYROTONIC develops increased functional strength and flexibilty, while  developing coordination, neuromuscular control, and re-shaping the entire  body.             
             Can you do this if you are totally out of shape?
Absolutely! We are  skilled at making the basics accessible to everyone and providing the right  level of challenge to each of our clients. We have many pieces of equipment  and a huge vocabulary of exercises to choose from. It is never to late to  start from scratch when it comes to your body's health. Our exercise program  is suggested for regular individuals without any specific orthopedic or health  problems. Please consult your physician before beginning any exercise program  including ours.             
             How are GYROKINESIS® and GYROTONIC ®different?
GYROKINESIS was actually  developed before any of the equipment was made. It is a series of movements  done on a stool and on a mat that provide a complete stimulation for the  entire body. GYROTONIC is what we call the equipment aspect of the system. A  typical GYROTONIC session will include some GYROKINESIS exercises (usually  done as a warm-up) before progressing on to the equipment for the remainder of  the work-out. We often ask our clients to do these GYROKINESIS exercises as  their home-work program in between their sessions or to take a weekly  GYROKINESIS class so they can fine-tune the movements which make up the basis  of the system.             
            How  often should I do this type of exercise?
We recommend 2-3 work-outs per  week. However, that could mean coming in to the studio twice a week and then  doing a home-work program once a week on your own. It could mean a combination  of GYROKINESIS group classes and GYROTONIC private lessons. Or, it could be  just  private lessons. Or, all group classes. Each persons needs are  completely different. What is important is that you participate in the  activity a few times per week so your body has a chance to really assimilate  the new information you are giving it. Doing anything only once a week gives  your body six days to completely forget what is has just begun to learn and  leads to a slow rate of progress and therefore more tendency to not  stick-with-it.             
             Are your teachers certified?
Yes. Every one of our talented  instructors are certified either in Pilates, Yoga, Dance, GYROTONIC,® or  GYROKINESIS®.  each gone through and  Our GYROTONIC®/GYROKINESIS®  Instructors have fully completed their training and are 'Certified'  instructors of their systems.  
            Why  should I start with private instruction?
The reason we recommend  beginning with either one, two, or three (our Introuctory Package) private  sessions is two-fold. First, we need to use your first few sessions as a way  for us to evaluate the skills and/or challenges you're coming in with, gain an  understanding of what your goals are, and observe how the exercises affect  your own individual body as no two bodies will respond exactly the same.  Second, we use a variety of teaching methods at the studio including; verbal  guidance, imagery, and hands-on cuing. With gentle touch we can help to guide  our clients into a better form and sometimes into a place they couldn't find  on their own. Obviously, it becomes difficult for our teachers to teach in  this way with more than one client at one time, which is why we suggest a few  sessions on your own at the beginning- so that you can have the experience of  total attention from an instructor and get the guidance and support most  beginners really need.             
74-5626  Alapa Street|  Kailua-Kona, Hawaii |  (808) 329-8876 |  vh2dns4@ilhawaii.net     

are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.